Thursday, January 10, 2013

My Cup Runneth Over....

When we go for our visits we always have ultra sounds to check heart beats and see the babies. We went for my second anatomy scan today where they do an in depth scan of the organs.  As the ultra sound tech headed to the room, I noticed four other people were standing outside the door.  As we went in the room, all the other people followed.  At first I was worried that maybe there was something wrong that I hadn't been told about.  As they introduced themselves, it became clear I was being used as a learning experience. I won't complain because I received a lot of attention that I might not have otherwise.  The good news is all the babies look great.  They are all measuring about the same size, but are smaller than a singleton would be at this time.  This is no surprise and according to the dr in charge, no need to worry. I believe they are close to measuring in the 30th percentile and the doctor seemed very pleased with this.  No obvious abnormalities were observed and I may have one more scan in a month.  They are very certain of the two boys and a girl! :)

At the home front, things are good.  My newest symptom is insomnia.  For the life of me I can not fall asleep at night.  I am still waking up to get Tripp dressed and off to school, so I should be able to sleep.  Napping during the day hasn't been a problem but I have tried not to do that thinking it will help me sleep better at night.  I think that is the time where it is quiet and everything that has to be done and all that is coming runs through my mind.  Getting comfortable is also really difficult, despite the million pillows I am using to sleep with.

I googled "feeding triplets," and the videos and blogs that popped up made me laugh.  It was either laugh or cry at the thought of doing what these parents I chose to laugh.  I will find my own routine and I'm sure I will also figure out what works and what doesn't. :) It was helpful to see what others are doing and that it can be done.

Michael and Tripp are being amazing with everything.  Michael is a one-stop-shop do it all husband.  Despite him being sick, he makes sure I'm keeping my feet up like I should. Tripp always is entertaining and continues to say things that make me laugh everyday.  Not sure what I would do without my boys.  As I type this Michael is snoozing on the couch and my child is trying to watch tv. Tripp came over and whispered "mommy, daddy's snoring is messing up the tv.". Ha.  Then he goes and put his face right up to his daddy's to get a better understanding of where the snoring is coming from.  Love them!

 I know there will be challenges and some days more down's than up's when it comes to adding three more, but I am getting very excited about the adventures to come.  If we can remember to laugh through the hard things and soak in the memories, then I hope there won't be a place for complaining.  Feeling so blessed that I catch myself waiting for the bottom to drop.  However, working on enjoying the ride because I know the destination.  Love to everyone for thoughts and prayers.

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