Monday, January 28, 2013

Grow Little Beans, Grow!!!

What a crazy weekend! I have to say I am very thankful for family, and this weekend, most especially thankful for my mom. There were too many things going on and I was stressed just watching everyone else working around me. Saturday was Tripp's birthday party. We kept it low key and simple. I did my best to keep my place on the couch, but had to get up to see him open presents and blow out his candle. I over did it and paid for it. After his party I went straight to bed and slept for four hours and learned that I am on bedrest for a reason. Saturday night they went to the circus and Michael sent me lots of pictures so I wouldn't feel so left out :). Yesterday was my shower and part of me was tempted to try and sneak out, but common sense kicked in and I stayed laying on the couch. The kindness and generosity of people definitely filled my heart and I am just so very thankful for the outpouring of love and support. All the pictures were beautiful and everyone involved out did themselves. Well today was a big day at the doctor. I was pretty concerned that she might put me back in the hospital. I had my ultra sound done first. The babies are measuring in the 38-43 percentile. They all are weighing about 1.5 pounds and measuring at almost 24 weeks each. This is all amazing and God has taken care of as I am right at 24 weeks, and just stand in awe that the babies are right on track. Why are we always surprised when we see God answering our prayers?? The doctor checked me out and everything continues to look great. She is keeping me on my medication and bedrest at home. I am not happy about bedrest, but I will take my bed over a hospital bed any day!! So, really it was the best possible news I could have gotten. From here I go back in a week. I will go straight to labor and delivery to be monitored for contractions and then back up to the office for ultra sound and doctor visit. This is a critical time for development and we are going to do everything we can to keep these babies in place for another 8-10 weeks. Thank you for the all the messages, phone calls, and most importantly prayers. If I haven't been able to return a phone call or email, I am sorry. The medication lowers my blood pressure and then usually puts me to sleep. Just know we have felt everyone's love, support, and prayers. Thank you doesn't seem to be the word that fits, but that is all we can say. Well that and grow baby beans, grow!!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

And So It Begins

Thank you everyone for the recent prayers and well wishes. Wednesday morning I took my iron supplement. An hour later I got really sick with vomiting. Soon after being sick my stomach began cramping and the cramping continued most of the day. It wasn't strong enough for me to be overly concerned, and I wasn't sure if it was just an upset stomach from the iron pill. I went to bed and woke up Thursday, not feeling great, but better. Luckily, I already had a doctor's appointment that morning. I was fine until I got to the hospital. By the time I got in the office, my stomach hurt so much I could hardly talk. Once I sat down, the pain went away.i didn't figure this was good going to be great news. I saw the doctor and she immediately shipped me off to labor and delivery. A little while on the monitor and it was confirmed I was having some small contractions. Unfortunately, with three, nothing is treated as "small," so being admitted was not a question. They began me on medal and fluids and soon the contractions stopped. Everything stayed quiet overnight and am not dilated, which is good. The babies look great on ultra sound and monitors. The OB called this irritability contractions. See let me go home today where I am to remain on bed rest. I go back on Monday for a follow up. For those unfamiliar with pregnancy and labor I will elaborate a little...because I don't know a ton either. :) some contractions are normal and do not indicate preterm labor. It is hard to be sure which contractions mean what, but as long as they are controlled the concern stays low. I will begin weekly mo into ring now in labor and delivery at least once a week and continue my meds to control contractions. Dr. Christine, the OB, did warn me that it is not unusual for women carrying triplets to end up staying on bed rest in the hospital for an extended period of time. This came us no surprise and we have been preparing ourselves for this to happen. If they do this, it is no reason to panic, it is just the best way to watch the babies and me to ensure the best care. The good news I'm home, the not so great news, I'm on bedrest. This throws a whole kink in my entire weekend. Tripp's party is Saturday and I have a shower on Sunday. I can work it out with the party that we can at least do cake and presents at our house. The shower,on the other hand, is not going to be as easy. I missed my shower with my first pregnancy because of bedrest and it looks as though I will be missing my second one. I never have enjoyed being the center of attention. Perhaps this is my bodies way of getting out of it. ;) Either way, Michael gets to be the stand in pregnant woman. I should make him stuff a pillow underneath his shirt. Good thing he loves me. The next few weeks will be very telling and I am thinking pretty eventful. 23 weeks is the week of viability and that is where I am. This means if the babies were born they have a good chance of surviving in the NICU. I am still praying for 34 weeks and I know every extra moment is better for everyone. Please keep us in your prayers...and if you see Michael Sunday afternoon, give him a hug. Love to all. :)

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Trying to Find Balance....

I am heading into week 23 and I am feeling anxious.  The reality of only about ten more weeks until D-day is a bit eye opening and scary.  It has definitely lit a fire under my rear end, but unfortunately I really can't "get up and go!" :)

We were very thankful to see sunshine today and took advantage of it by getting out and visiting a couple of stores.  Five minutes into the second store I was done, but it was good to at least get out.  We ordered two other cribs today and that made me feel somewhat accomplished, but I know there is much more to be done.

My appointment Wednesday went really well.  The OB reviewed my report from UAB and confirmed that nothing out of the ordinary was seen and the babies are growing at a good rate.  As of now I will have weekly visits.  At 26-28 weeks I will get my steroid shot to excellerate growth/development.  I will also be sent to labor and delivery every week to have stress monitoring done to check for contractions.  It is a big dose of reality that we are already to that point. She measured my stomach and I am measuring about 32 weeks....and I believe it!!! The OB is super positive and I am thankful for all the good reports.

Tripp's fourth birthday is next weekend and it is hard to see my baby turning into a little boy. He is going to the circus next weekend....without me. :( I won't be able to walk and climb all the stairs involved to get there. This is his first time to go and it is so very hard for me to not be selfish and say lets wait until next year.  He deserves to go, but it is hard to swallow. Michael also signed him up for ragball today.  Tripp is so excited.  The season won't start until the end of March and run through May.  Again, very hard to think that I might not make it to all of his games, or any for that matter.  This little boy has been my everything for four years and I know this is just the beginning of having to divide my time with children.  I hope I can find a good balance and that none of my children ever feel more or less important than another.  Parents do this all the time and I'm sure in time, we will figure it out.

Lots of everything going on right now and I am going to keep reminding myself to take it a day at a time, because for the rest of my life there will probably be "lots of everything going on." If you see me out you may just have to remind me to breathe. :)

Thursday, January 10, 2013

My Cup Runneth Over....

When we go for our visits we always have ultra sounds to check heart beats and see the babies. We went for my second anatomy scan today where they do an in depth scan of the organs.  As the ultra sound tech headed to the room, I noticed four other people were standing outside the door.  As we went in the room, all the other people followed.  At first I was worried that maybe there was something wrong that I hadn't been told about.  As they introduced themselves, it became clear I was being used as a learning experience. I won't complain because I received a lot of attention that I might not have otherwise.  The good news is all the babies look great.  They are all measuring about the same size, but are smaller than a singleton would be at this time.  This is no surprise and according to the dr in charge, no need to worry. I believe they are close to measuring in the 30th percentile and the doctor seemed very pleased with this.  No obvious abnormalities were observed and I may have one more scan in a month.  They are very certain of the two boys and a girl! :)

At the home front, things are good.  My newest symptom is insomnia.  For the life of me I can not fall asleep at night.  I am still waking up to get Tripp dressed and off to school, so I should be able to sleep.  Napping during the day hasn't been a problem but I have tried not to do that thinking it will help me sleep better at night.  I think that is the time where it is quiet and everything that has to be done and all that is coming runs through my mind.  Getting comfortable is also really difficult, despite the million pillows I am using to sleep with.

I googled "feeding triplets," and the videos and blogs that popped up made me laugh.  It was either laugh or cry at the thought of doing what these parents I chose to laugh.  I will find my own routine and I'm sure I will also figure out what works and what doesn't. :) It was helpful to see what others are doing and that it can be done.

Michael and Tripp are being amazing with everything.  Michael is a one-stop-shop do it all husband.  Despite him being sick, he makes sure I'm keeping my feet up like I should. Tripp always is entertaining and continues to say things that make me laugh everyday.  Not sure what I would do without my boys.  As I type this Michael is snoozing on the couch and my child is trying to watch tv. Tripp came over and whispered "mommy, daddy's snoring is messing up the tv.". Ha.  Then he goes and put his face right up to his daddy's to get a better understanding of where the snoring is coming from.  Love them!

 I know there will be challenges and some days more down's than up's when it comes to adding three more, but I am getting very excited about the adventures to come.  If we can remember to laugh through the hard things and soak in the memories, then I hope there won't be a place for complaining.  Feeling so blessed that I catch myself waiting for the bottom to drop.  However, working on enjoying the ride because I know the destination.  Love to everyone for thoughts and prayers.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

2013 Has Arrived

Well, 2013 has arrived and with it comes one of the most adventurous years of our lives.  I am almost 21 weeks along and really can't believe how fast it is going.  We have begun getting serious about planning the nursery and organizing wants and needs.  I am still holding back thinking this is a dream and at any moment I'm going to wake up.  Somewhat like I am watching this through everyone elses eyes but not my own.  I think it is still just a concern that something is going to go wrong.  I'm sure that is a sign I should have a little more faith. :)

It is my first few days off of work and that is hard too.  I have always either been in school or had a job.  This sitting around is for the birds. It would be different if I were a stay at home mom because then there would be plenty to do.  The really hard part is having so much to do and not being able to do it!!  I am hoping I find something to occupy my time.  Suggestions??

Today I had a really great appointment.  The OB is thinking that she won't have to check my cervix again because it looks great.  This makes me happy for several reasons. :) The babies are getting BIG!! That is really exciting to see on the ultra sound.  I can also tell they are growing because I am getting bigger and much shorter of breath.  I know that will only get worse as time progresses. The doctor seemed excited today about how well everything is going.  She began talking about steroids which I will begin in a few weeks.  Scary to think it is almost time to think about that! My iron was low so now I am on iron supplements, but if that is the worst I am beyond blessed!

Taking a three year old to the doctor with you is always an adventure.  Tripp was the comic relief in the ultra sound waiting room. He said things like "we have to doctor the babies, or they won't come out. Right mommy?" And "Mommy are you getting a shot in your bottom today?" Oh we'll, glad he is apart of this process. No matter what embarrassing things may come out of his mouth along the way. I'm sure this is very confusing for him.  :)

I go next week for my follow up anatomy scan at UAB. She will mainly look at the hearts since they were too small before.  I continue to thank God and know this is all His plan-the good and the bad.  There really aren't words for the blessing that this is and will be.  Also praising God for the wonderful people He has placed in my path. Some have been there all along and some show up when you need a word of encouragement.

So, no new year resolutions...except to remain sane. :) Other than that I only have prayer for the delivery of three healthy babies.