Thursday, December 13, 2012

The hip bone connects to the leg bone.....

Time goes by faster and faster and we are now staring down our half way point, if I make it until 34 weeks!! Exciting and scary with all the changes.

Last weekend we were very busy. We moved out of our master bedroom and into Tripp's old room. Talk about wall to wall furniture, but I know I will be happier with a spacious nursery. Besides, we all know we won't be sleeping anytime soon. Moving out was a bit hard I think because it is making real all the uncertainties ahead of me. Once again, my husband, my rock, has been nothing but positive and encouraging.  He always balances me out when I start to get scared.

We also have discovered the pests of pantry moths.  If you have never experienced them, be very, very thankful.  All I can say is thank you SAMs for sharing bugs with our home.  Now all our food is out of the pantry and we have thrown away many, many, unopened groceries.  I think the chaos of this coupled with all the other changes accounts for my anxiousness-especially at a time when I want everything in its place.

Despite the struggles of everyday life, we are beyond thankful for the positive reports we continue to receive from the doctor.  Yesterday was my 17 week OB appointment.  A good report with the ultra sound and a shot of progesterone to decrease chances of preterm labor.  This will be a weekly shot....yay.  Today we went to UAB for my anatomy scan.  Our appointment was scheduled for 1:40 and at 3 we were still sitting in the waiting room.  When we finally went back I was completely unaware of how long it was going to take.  The doctor said 17 weeks is too early to  measure hearts and brains.  However, at first glance, everything looks good.  She also said my babies were very uncooperative.  Michael said they take after me, but I'm pretty sure everyone knows that comes from the Collins.  :) tThere is for sure one girl, one boy, and not sure on the third.  Maybe a boy, but his rear was tucked behind his sister. So, the doctor wasn't able to see clearly.

I return to my OB on the 27th and back for another anatomy scan on the 10th of January.

Tripp is adjusting as well as he can for a three year old.  He knows big changes are coming but I'm sure he doesn't realize  how much his life will change.  He has a sweet heart Hugh.  He talks about sharing his toys and his old bottles. ;) we will see how he feels about sharing toys when the time comes.

In the meantime, we just continue to thank our God for all His blessings. Everyone has been amazing.  To say that is really an understatement.  The sweet words, presents, and most of all prayers.are most appreciated.

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