Sunday, December 2, 2012

16 Weeks and Counting!

I was reading some other mother's of triplets blogs and they seem to be able to keep up with their posts...they must know something that I don't because I am just pregnant with them at the moment and have a hard time keeping it up.

After the short stay in the hospital and good care from my husband, I am much better.  The second trimester has come with its positives and negatives.  I am happy to say my day long sickness has pretty much left. What has replaced it is new aches and pains, and the babies are definitely sitting on my bladder! However, if these are my worst complaints, I will take it!

My 15 week appointment was Wednesday. It went really well. I couldn't believe how much the babies have grown.  The three of them no longer fit on the same screen.  The sweet ultra sound tech tried very long and hard to determine genders but it was very difficult.  From their angles it looks like a girl (hoping for at least one girl!), one boy, and the other just would not cooperate.  Of course we really have no preference except healthy babies. I just would love one little girl to give the boys a run for their money. ;)

The doctor was happy with the progress.  I go back next week to my OB and will begin a series of shots that will hopefully help prevent preterm labor.  The day after I see my OB we go to UAB for my "big" ultra sound.  This is where they measure all organs, etc. Excited and nervous about that.  

The house is beginning to transform. We had carpet put in downstairs and began moving Tripp's toys down there today.  I think he is going to really enjoy it and it will provide a good retreat from screaming little ones. :) My very sweet friend, Jennifer (ironically I have many Jennifer's in my life), came over yesterday and spent almost the whole day helping me organize my kitchen. I have absolutely no organizational skills. I am sure I will figure it out as soon as I have four children to take care of! Anyway, thanks to her, I now have room for bottles, formula, etc. in our kitchen!

I also had my baby shower at work. I was so overwhelmed by the generosity of everyone.  There are no words for how thankful we are to be surrounded by so much support.  My prayer now is for continued progress of three healthy babies and not worry about everything that needs to get done!!!

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