Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Sometimes I am so tired I am not sure where to start with what has been going on in our lives. In my mind our lives are no different than anyone else. It isn't until I go somewhere, anywhere outside of our home, that I am reminded our lives are not really more special than anyone else's but just more obviously different. We have been attempting to go out a lot more. We figure the more we do it the more it will become just what we do. We have always been a family that "goes." We do not like staying put and Tripp has had a hard time adjusting to that for the past several months with my pregnancy and then the triplets arriving. We would like to resume our normal trip to Walmart, the store, the zoo...anywhere outside the four wall of our house. However, there is no longer a "normal" trip anywhere. It is work getting three babies fed, dressed, and out the door with their four year old brother. Then, when we finally arrive wherever it is we are going, there is no "normalcy' to where it is we are. I feel I have become the "nonsocial" one out of Michael and I, but really I have just found that if I don't act like the nice, happy person I like to be, people don't carry on and ask stupid personal questions that are really none of their business. :) I don't mind people commenting on the babies and taking a moment to notice, but it really gets absurd and out of control quickly with comments and questions. Anyway, I have just never done well being the center of attention in any realm and most certainly was not ready for it now. On a happier note, the babies are all doing amazingly well. I hate to type that in fear that the ice might break out from under us. Caroline is such a sweetheart. I know she is my daughter and I am supposed to feel that way, but any one who has met her has walked away with a smile. She loves to cuddle and is very tactile. She loves holding on to her blankies...or my hair (which could be a problem in the near future). :) Ethan is our "big" boy and is hungry around the clock. I am pretty sure he would eat a steak if I at all just offered him one. We call him Mr. Fuss Buckets as he loves to be held...all the time. He has become a lot more content lately about playing on the floor as long as someone is there to give him their attention. Gabe is still our peanut and continues to be the smallest by several ounces. He struggles with his reflux and feeding him can be difficult. For this reason, Michael and I are a bit over protective of him. They are all truly happy babies and while we are sleep deprived, it could be a lot worse. They are easy babies individually, but somehow the three of them gang up on us and collectively it is hard. Haha. As I am typing right now Mr. Fuss Buckets is waking up in the swing telling me it is time for him to eat. We really don't even have to set an alarm clock. He is it. I am sure after feeding him, Caroline will wake up for her turn. Gabe will wait until about 5am, which is greatly appreciated!! The other two are then not far behind again to eat.

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