Thursday, April 4, 2013

And D-Day is......

We are now in the middle of our 33rd week. I have had two doctor appointments this week and both have gone really well. A growth ultra sound on Monday showed that the babies weighed between 4 1/2 and close to 5 pounds each which is really exciting. Caroline is still head up. The other two decided to get cute and confuse everyone. Last week Gabe was head down in the middle and Ethan was head up on the side. Well this week the one in the middle is head up and the one on the side is head down. Either both boys flipped 180 degrees or Gabe went under Ethan and they switched sides. There is really no way to know for sure. So, now we don't know who is who in there. :) I guess we will just figure it out when they get here. I am continuing to contract which is not much fun (as any woman will tell you). However, I am not dilated at all which is pretty amazing considering how far I am. My blood pressure was up slightly on Monday but I'm pretty sure that is because she took it during a contraction. :) It was much lower today, so that is good news. Dr. Christine continues to be pleased with the babies and how they are doing overall and on the NST. She wants me to go back to UAB on Monday for one last growth scan. UAB's equipment is a bit more accurate in their measurements than St. Vincent's. She is hoping to get a clear look at what the babies are weighing just to double check everything before delivery. If everything goes as planned and my body and babies cooperate, the c-section is scheduled from two weeks from today which is Thursday April 18th. I will be 35 1/2 weeks along at that point. This would definitely be really exciting for us because I never anticipated that I could/would make it as far as I have, especially at home. I am so thankful to the Lord for His hand being on us this pregnancy. No matter the outcome, I know all things have been done and will continue to be done in His time. At the moment life at our house is good but a little chaotic. We are down to the wire and Michael is working hard to get everything done. However, I'm beginning to realize that no amount of preparation is going to be enough for what is to come. :) Some things we will just have to figure out along the way. My body is hanging in there. It is difficult to do much of anything. I am definitely front heavy and I can tell the babies are growing. I was walking through the living room the other day and sneezed. My sneeze literally propelled me into a run because of the extra weight in the front. You can't help but laugh. We have been talking and thinking a lot about our hospital stay and everything that will come with it. This C-section will be a bit more involved because there are three babies. The recovery for this will be longer and more difficult than my first. I can only imagine I am going to be an emotional, hormonal basket case with everything that will be happening. Because there will be so many unknowns, we will have a couple hour window set aside for visitors. We will obviously give more details as we know more. Please keep in mind, that there is a chance you will only get to see Michael or one of our moms. While we have no idea what the babies' conditions will be, there is a good possibility they will be in NICU and visitors will be limited to immediate family only. If you are trying to get in touch with us or do try in the future, please know how much we appreciate your love and concern, but that it may take some time to return calls, messages, etc. :) There are truly no words to express everyone's love and support and our hearts continue to be overwhelmed with the kindness of others. Your continued prayers are appreciated more than you realize and have kept us going throughout this process. We look forward to things to come!!!


  1. This has really been a sweet story. Thanks for taking the time in a very hectic life to share your experience with all of us! I'm just so excited for the Collins family.... What a beautiful story you're building together! ;o) And that Tripp is about the cutest little kid who ever lived!

    1. Thanks so much!!! It has been crazy but fun. The best is yet to come. :) Hope you and your family are doing good.
