Thursday, February 28, 2013

"How long are you in bed mommy?"

Well the babies aren't even here yet and I am already having a hard time keeping up the blog. :) I am winding down my 28th week which is a huge milestone in the pregnancy. I feel like we should have a party. After this week there is a big decrease in the chances for several disabilities. Last week (27 weeks) I had another growth ultra sound done and Caroline weighed 1 pound 15 oz, Gabe weighed 2 pounds 2 oz, and Ethan weighed 2 pounds 4 oz. The doctor was happy with their growth and my progress. Their growth will be checked again in a couple of weeks. Last Wednesday I came down with a terrible sinus/respiratory infection. Luckily I did not have to be put in the hospital, but Thursday night I did tell Michael I thought I was going to die. :) When you think not much could be more difficult than being pregnant with triplets, I assure you, being that sick and this pregnant took the cake. I am happy to say that a round of antibiotics and a week later, I feel much better. Being on bedrest is hard and more so the past couple of weeks than others. The babies are getting bigger and I get fatigued much more quickly when I am on my feet, even for a short time. So, most all day every day I spend in my bed, not even getting up to lay on the couch anymore. I received some very sad news last week when a wonderful, previous coworker of mine was killed in a car accident. She was an amazing person who did amazing things for the special needs children she taught. It broke my heart that I was unable to attend her memorial service. That realization was hard to swallow. Then, on top of that my sweet four year old came home from preschool the other day and says, "how long are you in bed mommy?" That statement brought tears to my eyes. He brings books to me and crawls in bed and watches tv with me, but it is hard not to be able to get up and with him outside, or to the store, or anywhere for that matter. In the long run, it will be so worth it, but it is hard and to say it isn't would be a lie. I am very lucky to have a loving, patient husband and a mom who is willing to sacrifice her weekends to drive here and help us out as much as possible. Both of our families have just been so supportive and I don't think there is anyone in our family who hasn't done something to help us. We are blessed and don't take for granted our friends and family. The goal is 34 weeks and that date is quickly closing in on us. I am trying to look at it as the more miserable I am, the healthier the babies will be. :) Again, please just continue keeping us in your thoughts and prayers over these next few weeks. Every week they stay put is a bonus! Thank you all for sharing this experience with us and the many more to come!!

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