Wednesday, November 14, 2012

There are how many?!?!

August 26th 2012:

So we knew we were pregnant, about six weeks, and we knew there was a slight chance for twins because we had done one month of fsh shots.  The day had arrived for our first ultra sound.  They called my name and we went back to the room.  As I climbed on the table I looked at Michael and said...."I haven't freaked out yet, but now I'm starting to.  What if there isn't a heart beat, what if there is more than one heart beat?! What are we going to do?!" And as always, the calm to my chaos says, "everything is going to be fine." So I take a deep breath, and the nurse walks in.  She was a familiar face, which put me at ease.

As the ultra sound began, we immediately saw a sac.  She said "there it is, and you can see the heart flickering, meaning there is a heart beat." A wave of relief came over me.  She moved it around and on the screen popped a second sac.  From that view, it looked empty.  She explained about a blighted ovum, where something tried to develop but didn't.    Somewhat sad about a possible loss, but thankful for the one.  She moved it around again, and there was a third sac.  Again, it looked empty.  The nurse became puzzled about how strange it was that there were two blighted ovums.  She said she had to measure everything and would zoom in on each one.  As she rotated and zoomed in, it became apparent. There was not just one, not two, but three flickering beings on the screen.  The nurse was the first to say"oh my gosh!! We haven't seen triplets in a really long time!" I was in shock but managed to laugh.  It dawned on me that my other half had yet to speak.  I look behind me and there he was, slouched in his chair, eyes fixated on the screen.  He did manage to say he was ok, but I knew we were in the same place.  The nurse says, "ohhh, the dr. Is going to freak out." Without missing a beat my response was,"why? Is he taking them home with him??"
The rest of the visit was blur.  There was talk about spontaneous reduction and selective reduction and not to go out and buy a tipple stroller just yet.  I heard some of what was said, but just kept looking at Michael and laughing.  Three, three, THREE!!!! There were three babies in my tummy.  Oh my goodness. We had prayed a lot about God's timing with our second pregnancy and if this is God's plan, we are thankful for the opportunity to be apart of this miraculous adventure.

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